Friday, April 6, 2012

Brazil Articles about Euro and the New Asian Currency

I have been writing about Brazil adopting a new currency since December 1998 when I did copyright my books about Brazilian history. Here is the web link to some of my articles on that subject:

Thirteen years ago (July 1999) I mentioned on my article regarding the Brazilian currency: “It is a form of modern economic warfare.”

Quoting from that article: “...The amount of daily currency transactions in global markets is over $ 1.5 trillion dollars. The magnitude of daily currency transactions is a major contributing factor for many countries losing their capability to defend their weak currencies from foreign attack of these international money speculators.

These countries don’t have the economic reserves necessary to defend their currencies from foreign speculative attacks. It is getting easier for these international speculators to destroy the entire economy of countries such as Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, and Brazil.

All they have to do is destroy their currency and the economies undergo a complete collapse. It is a form of modern economic warfare.”

Note: The amount of daily currency transactions in global markets in 2012 is over $ 5 trillion dollars.


Brazil and the Euro - Part 1

Part l – Published in July 1999
How can currency stability be achieved for the Brazilian economy?”
By Ricardo C. Amaral

...The amount of daily currency transactions in global markets is over $ 1.5 trillion dollars. The magnitude of daily currency transactions is a major contributing factor for many countries losing their capability to defend their weak currencies from foreign attack of these international money speculators.

These countries don’t have the economic reserves necessary to defend their currencies from foreign speculative attacks. It is getting easier for these international speculators to destroy the entire economy of countries such as Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, and Brazil.

All they have to do is destroy their currency and the economies undergo a complete collapse. It is a form of modern economic warfare. Brazil should become a member of the European Union and immediately adopt the euro as its new currency. Based on sound macroeconomic analysis, this is the best alternative available to Brazil to achieve its goals of economic growth and currency stability.

The elimination of exchange rate risk between Brazil and the euro countries should stimulate capital flows, improve trading, and access to capital markets. Sound monetary policy will translate into lower interest rates, and long-term economic survival and prosperity.


Brazil and the Euro - Part 2
Brazil and the Euro Part II – Published in November 1999
How can currency stability be achieved for the Brazilian economy?”
By: Ricardo C. Amaral


Brazil and the Euro - Part 3

Brazil and the Euro - Part III - Published in November 2000.
How can currency stability be achieved for the Brazilian economy?”
By: Ricardo C. Amaral


Brazil and the Euro - Part 4

Brazil and the Euro - Part lV - Published in October 2001

Adoption of the Euro is the only solution to fix the Brazilian economy.”
By: Ricardo C. Amaral


Brazil and the Euro - Part 5

Published on “Brazzil” magazine in June 2002:
The Euro, Now”
By: Ricardo C. Amaral

...This oversupply of US dollar circulation outside the United States might prove to be the Achilles heel of the US economy and also can become a nightmare to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve would need to raise interest rates in the US, creating a major problem for the US economy and the financial markets.

...The current US dollar based international financial system is about to go through a dramatic change because of the new competition from the euro. I don't know, when or what will trigger the coming events, since no finance minister or central banker wants to be blamed for launching the world into a major international monetary crisis.


Brazil and Saudi Arabia

Brazzil magazine - June 2003

Dear Saudis, Play Safe, Bring Your Money to Brazil

By: Ricardo C. Amaral

...The Inquisition

I would like to suggest that people read a book by Edward Burman called The Inquisition to learn about the economic and cultural effects that the inquisition had in Europe. Quoting from this book: "...Mariano da Alatri has argued that among all the punishments used by the Inquisition that of confiscation had the greatest social repercussion, and we shall see how the obviously attractive elements of such a policy were soon to be perverted for political motives. One of the most disastrous aspects, especially for wealthy suspects, was the widespread practice of confiscating property even before a trial had taken place....inquisitors held the important privileges of being able to sell goods confiscated from heretics...the possibilities for corruption are evident".

Many wealthy people became a target of the Inquisition, and the goal was to confiscate their assets and property. Don't we ever learn any lessons from past history? I guess not!

...Before the war, I thought that Iraq had a very weak and small army—the leftover of the 1991 war, which was no threat to the countries of the Middle East. But it turned out that they had an even weaker and smaller army than anyone could expect.

The US attacked Iraq because it was an easy prey, and also because Iraq did not have nuclear weapons to defend themselves. In the other hand, the United States is not attacking starving North Korea, because they are afraid of the North Koreans nukes.


The First Great Depression of the 21st Century
Published on February 13, 2005 on Brazzil magazine.

It’s 2008. The U.S. Has Dragged the World into a Depression.

By Ricardo C. Amaral

Today, Brazil and most South American countries in general are disconnecting from the United States economy, and at the same time they are making new strong connections to the economies of such countries as China, India, and Russia.

...Death of the Last Superpower

The idea of the Soviet Union being a superpower died in Afghanistan in the late 1980’s.

The idea that the USA was the lone superpower in the world died a fast death in Iraq in the years 2003 to 2006. By the end of 2004, it was clear to most people around the world that Iraq had immersed into a nasty civil war - and the Americans had lost another war - just as they had lost the Vietnam War in the 1970’s

...What was the most hurtful thing for the American people was that the Iraqi fiasco had been broadcasted live to the rest of the world, and signaled the end of the line for the last superpower.

...The world lost its confidence in the US economy because they realized that the US economy was over leveraged, and would not have the necessary cash flow to pay its bills in the future. The US economy was outsourcing its good paying jobs by the millions to other countries - in the last four years the US economy had exported over 10 million jobs. A flood of US corporations started reincorporating in tax havens to avoid paying US corporate taxes.

To compound the US economic problems, US corporations started repudiating the benefit payments of their pension and health plans. Everybody wanted to pass their pension responsibility to the US government – the trend started with the steel industry, then the airline industry, the major auto manufacturers, and after that, every company with a substantial pension plan. The US government had no choice other than to swallow approximately US$ 600 billion in new pension liabilities.

...the market dynamic of all these events combined to cause a major institutional collapse in the derivatives market, and that started a domino effect in the entire financial system causing a massive meltdown.

Panic among the major holders of US dollar also contributed to the stampede like we had never seen before - and at the end, Chernobyl looked like nothing when compared with the final meltdown of the US dollar, and US economy during the summer of 2008.


About 8 years ago (early in 2004) President Lula of Brazil, started talking with various countries to form the Group of Five (G5) including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – and I mentioned that on my article published on Brazzil magazine on June 2, 2005.

...A Brazilian Plan for the Future

The international media did give very little coverage at the time, but early in 2004 President Lula of Brazil, started talking with various countries to form the Group of Five (G5); for them to have meetings on a regular basis. This new G5 group would counterbalance the economic power of the current G6 group. The G6 group more or less represents the past the new G5 group will represent the future. The original members of the new G5 group will be: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. In the last 12 months Brazil has finalized extensive economic agreements with these four countries.


While China Rises the US Falls in Brazil and Latin America”
By: Ricardo C. Amaral
Brazzil magzine - Published on June 2, 2005

...The US Influence is Fast Declining in South America

On January 26, 2005 The Financial Times of London had an interesting editorial - “How America became the world’s dispensable nation.”

...China’s Rising Influence in South America

In a very short period of time China is becoming the most important business partner of Brazil. China has been quickly replacing the United States’ influence in Brazil – and that is also happening in other South American countries

...A Brazilian Plan for the Future

The international media did give very little coverage at the time, but early in 2004 President Lula of Brazil, started talking with various countries to form the Group of Five (G5); for them to have meetings on a regular basis. This new G5 group would counterbalance the economic power of the current G6 group. The G6 group more or less represents the past the new G5 group will represent the future. The original members of the new G5 group will be: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. In the last 12 months Brazil has finalized extensive economic agreements with these four countries.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Outsourcing and the Impending Collapse of the US Dollar

By: Ricardo C. Amaral

The US economy is following the same path, as the “TITANIC,” and the American population, just like the passengers on that doomed ship, is having a good time and has no idea of the calamity that lies just ahead.

Here is another trend that will help speed up the impending collapse of the US dollar. Outsourcing in the United States is like a runaway train completely out of control heading to the edge of a cliff. The American economy has been outsourcing jobs to other countries for a long time; there is nothing new about that. But lately too many things started changing at the same time at a very fast rate; at the speed of light. I started doing research about outsourcing in August of 2003. At that time there were few articles about outsourcing, the alarm bells not yet ringing. I was doing a lot of reading about outsourcing to figure out the impact that outsourcing would have in the US and Brazilian economies.

...As these businesses close its doors in the US, the result is further downward pressure on costs including salaries and wages in the US economy. It is a race to the bottom.

As people’s wages and salaries decline by 40 percent, 50 percent, or even more, the tax revenue of the federal government and of the states also decline accordingly. In turn, helping create even larger federal government deficits for the US economy.

At a time when the US government and the states are running deficits and borrowing lots of money and are selling any assets that they still have, outsourcing of US jobs at this amazing rate it will only make matters even worse for their finances - in turn putting further pressure for a US dollar decline against the other major currencies. The value of the US dollar has only one direction to go: down, down, and down; making it a reality the impending collapse of the US dollar.


Brazil and China

“Here Is Why Brazil Should Adopt the New Asian Currency”
Written by Ricardo C. Amaral
Brazzil Magazine - Published: March 2, 2007

Here we are at a very exciting time - a turning point in world history - and the global economy is changing as never seen before, at the speed of light; and innovation and major advances in technology are helping in rearranging the entire global economy.

...Brazil should also adopt the "New Asian Currency," a new currency similar to the euro in its effort to adapt to the new global economic reality.

...China, the Rising Superpower

...China has 166 cities with populations of more than 1 million. There are many cities in China that one has never heard of that have populations of 6, 7 or 8 million people. The country's rapid urbanization has lifted hundreds of millions of rural Chinese out of poverty.

...In the next 20 years China will be building so many new cities that it makes economic sense to integrate the Brazilian economy as much as possible with the economic development and activity that is happening inside China.

Brazil's natural resources - which contains nearly every mineral in huge quantities - and includes important resources such as quartz, diamonds, manganese, uranium, platinum, chromium, iron ore, phosphates, petroleum, mica, graphite, titanium, copper, gold, petroleum, bauxite, nickel, zinc, tin, mercury, hydropower, timber, and agricultural products - the Brazilian economy with this massive wealth of natural resources would be a perfect partner for China in the coming decades.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, most writers and all kinds of business analysts that I know have the tendency of analyzing China and the Chinese economy with its 1.3 billion people based on the old mindset of a closed system of a nation-state.

But when the reality is: under the new state-of-the-art paradigm - which works great for the new age of the Internet and globalization - today's China spectacular economic growth and performance also has another inseparable part to its system; the Overseas Chinese network of networks and China's fantastic economic success can be understood only under that context.

And today the Overseas Chinese network of networks must have at least 65 million members outside of China. In 1994 it was estimated that the Overseas Chinese held between US$ 2 trillion and US$ 3 trillion in assets, but in 2007 that figure should be at least US$ 7 trillion in assets when we take into consideration all the extra success achieved by the Overseas Chinese since that time.

It's no wonder that most Americans don't have a clue about what is really happening in China and they don't have the understanding of the tremendous economic impact that the Overseas Chinese are having not only inside China's economy, but also in the increasingly economic influence the Overseas Chinese are having around the world including in South America and in Africa.

It is not only the impact of the Overseas Chinese that is helping China to leapfrog its economy into the future - they are also being helped for many years by companies such as Wal-Mart that in their effort to reduce costs for the products that they sell - they have been training the Chinese companies in China with the latest in state-of-the-art management techniques - and the most efficient methods and cut throat type of capitalist techniques. In turn, this new generation of Chinese companies is participating in the global economy with great success.

Brazil Should Adopt the "New Asian Currency"

Since December of 1998 I have been advocating and writing many articles saying that Brazil should adopt the euro as its new currency. But the world has been changing at the speed of light since then and everything is evolving very fast today.

In the last two years I have changed my mind regarding Brazil adopting the euro as its new currency, because the entire ball game has changed from the Brazilian perspective in the last few years, and in my opinion, in the near future, Brazil should adopt instead the "New Asian Currency," a new currency similar to the euro on its effort to adapt to the new global economic reality.

But for Brazil to adopt the "New Asian Currency" it will take time and advance planning to achieve that goal - and it will not be too soon for the Brazilian government to start moving in that direction and coordinate with the Asian countries and start planning for that change.

There are many advantages for Brazil to adopt the "New Asian Currency" and the benefits will be the same as the benefits that I mentioned in many articles about Brazil adopting the euro.

...On the other hand, exports of Brazilian commodities, goods, and services to China has been booming with great prospects for increasing business opportunities in the future - It is very clear that in the coming decades the future of the Brazilian economy will benefit very little from its association with Uncle Sam, but the Brazilian economy will benefit greatly from its increasing business association with the Land of the Dragon.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Smartest Thing China Could Do Right Now: Invest US$ 200 Billion in Brazil.”By Ricardo C. Amaral
Published on Brazzil magazine – October 2007

The final conclusion is: It’s imperative that China move forward in an aggressive fashion and implement with Brazil the plan described on this article. And China should look at it as a matter of national security and future survival.


In early 2005 when I started writing about Brazil and China I changed my mind about Brazil adopting the euro, and since that time I have been suggesting that Brazil adopt the New Asian Currency.

Quoting from my article published July 9, 2009: “It has been over ten years now, since December of 1998, that I have been advocating and writing many articles saying that Brazil should adopt a new mega currency. First, I suggested in my articles the euro as Brazil's new currency. But about four years ago I changed my mind regarding Brazil adopting the euro as its new currency, because the entire ball game has changed from the Brazilian perspective in the last few years.

ASAP, Brazil should adopt instead the "New Asian Currency"; a new currency similar to the euro in a major effort to adapt to the new global economic realities of today and the coming decades.”


Brazil China and the New Asian Currency

Brazzil Magazine – July 9, 2009
With US Capitalism’s Demise It’s High Time For Brazil to Adopt the New Asian Currency”
Written by Ricardo C. Amaral

It has been over ten years now, since December of 1998, that I have been advocating and writing many articles saying that Brazil should adopt a new mega currency. First, I suggested in my articles the euro as Brazil's new currency. But about four years ago I changed my mind regarding Brazil adopting the euro as its new currency, because the entire ball game has changed from the Brazilian perspective in the last few years.

ASAP, Brazil should adopt instead the "New Asian Currency"; a new currency similar to the euro in a major effort to adapt to the new global economic realities of today and the coming decades.

In March 2007 "Brazzil" magazine published my article: "Here Is Why Brazil Should Adopt the New Asian Currency." Quoting from that article: "Here we are at a very exciting time - a turning point in world history - and the global economy is changing as never seen before, at the speed of light; and innovation and major advances in technology are helping in rearranging the entire global economy.

...The global economy is slowly splitting the countries around the world into four major powerful blocks of countries - Europe, United States, Middle East, and Asia - and each country around the world will have to evaluate its economic self-interests regarding its economic future and will have to decide in the near future which group is the best for your particular country to establish very close economic ties with.

This article shows why, when we take into consideration the direction that the Brazilian economy should take today in relation to its economic prospects for the future, it becomes crystal clear that the best group for Brazil to integrate its economy with is the Asian group under the leadership of China.

...The global economy is in the process of being rearranged, and these changes are the result of globalization combined with the development of state-of-the-art new technologies such as a world that is connected by fiber optics, the constant increases in computer power, a growing global Internet system that is connecting everybody, and the astronomical developments in global communications that has been making it easier to communicate and send information via satellites, Internet, email or telephony."

...What the world has witnessed in 2008 was not only the demise of the free market capitalist system in the United States, but for all practical purposes we also have witnessed the end of the line for an international monetary system based on the US dollar.

There are many reasons for the decline of the value of the US dollar

First, we have reached the end of the line for the US dollar currency supremacy, and that has to do among other things with the economic and geopolitical changes that we have had in the world since 1945.

The US dollar served its purpose since the end of WW II and became the major foreign exchange reserve currency for the system that emerged after the war. The days of the US dollar playing that special role that created an international monetary system that revolved around the US dollar as its main currency has reached the end of the line, since today that system is very sick and it is dying a slow death.

Very soon the world will need to put that patient out of its misery, and after we go through the major collapse of the US dollar creating the biggest international monetary crisis the world have ever seen - a massive US dollar global meltdown - from the ashes of the old system will emerge the new international monetary system that will be more useful for the first century of the new millennium.

The US government and Americans in general lost sight of the role that the US dollar has been playing in the world international monetary system since 1945 when the US dollar started becoming an important part of the foreign exchange reserves of many countries.

When a currency achieves that status of a major reserve currency the world expects at a minimum that the currency would be managed in a way to protect its intrinsic value over time. That is not what has been happening to the US dollar for a long time.

The value of the 1947 US$ 1.00 has declined consistently since the US dollar became the major foreign exchange reserve currency, and in April 2009 that same US$ 1.00 dollar is worth only $ .08 cents; that is how much of the value of the US dollar has evaporated because of inflation.

...To reduce the risk of this kind of devastating event to repeating in the future in Brazil, the Brazilian government should adopt a new set of rules with heavy penalties to keep the global hot money away from the Brazilian economy. The tax on these foreign investments should be designed in such way as to discourage short-term gains with the heavy exit tax of around 80 percent for moneys leaving the country up to one year from date of investment; after two years the exit tax should be around 50 percent, after three years 25 percent, and so on...and the system should be designed to encourage mostly long-term foreign investment of at least 5 years.

The Brazilian government should find a way and develop a system to penalize with very heavy taxes the foreign "hot money." They should build a system to discourage the international "hot money" from investing in Brazil.

Brazil has to build a system to avoid in the future the "hot money" that rushed in and out of emerging markets during 2008 and caused a market crash in these countries - hot money that came from irresponsible banks, hedge funds, insurance companies and many other types of speculative capital that flows regularly between financial markets in search of the highest short-term interest rates possible, and other short-term investment opportunities.

Finance dictionary gives the definition of the kind of money that I want the Brazilian government to keep away from Brazil with this proposal as follows:

In international finance "hot money" is extremely volatile short-term capital that moves on a short notice to any country providing better returns. Powerful speculators can quickly pump massive sums into a high-yield economy, giving it an artificial aura of success and propriety. But, on a mere suspicion of a downturn or other negative factor, they can (and do) withdraw it almost overnight causing a near collapse of the country's financial structure.

If you read the articles that I wrote about Brazil and China, and about Brazil adopting the new Asian currency, then you will understand why the future of the Brazilian economy in this new international monetary order is more in tune with the new Asian currency than to any other economic block as discussed in this article.


In this article I made suggestions regarding a new monetary arrangement that will serve as the basis for the new international monetary system; it will be useful at least for the next 50 years - I have no idea what the world is going to look like in 50 years, maybe there are things that we can't see right now that would rearrange the entire system at one point during the next 50 years.

It is hard to predict the future since there are so many things that could go wrong along the way in the next 50 years that can change our entire future such as major epidemics, major natural catastrophes, major technological breakthroughs, WW III with countries dropping nuclear bombs on each other, and so on...

But, one thing I know for sure is the idea of one or two major superpowers ruling the world is an idea that is dying very fast as we watch the United States economic and political power declining at the speed of light, and in turn a new world economic order is getting ready to replace it.

In the near future we will have for the first time a new world economic order comprised of major blocks of countries sharing the global economic and financial power. For all practical purposes, the United States is no longer that sole surviving economic superpower, since superpowers don't depend on other countries to keep the superpower financially afloat.

Basically, the International Monetary System that we have had for a few decades that revolves around the US dollar has finally reached the end of the line, and the current international monetary crisis was the last straw necessary for the world to realize that they need a new redesigned international monetary system that would be compatible with the new realities of the 21st Century.

An international monetary system based on the "US dollar" was a solution for the world of yesterday, a world long gone, a world that represents the past, the world of the 20th Century.

The new world order of the 21st Century needs urgently a new international monetary system designed to support the international monetary and economic needs of the 21st Century.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

China and Special Drawing Right (SDR)
By: Ricardo C. Amaral


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Final Collapse of the US Dollar


Regarding Bill Gross, Jim Rogers, Ricardo C. Amaral, and the U.S. dollar

A few years ago a number of authors, and newsletters started quoting Bill Gross, Jim Rogers, and I regarding the U.S. dollar.

They always quote us in the same order: Bill Gross, Jim Rogers, and Brazilian economist Ricardo C. Amaral – as if we came together as a package.

I find it interesting, because Bill Gross, and Jim Rogers are famous gurus in Wall Street, and in the international financial centers, and they are world class investors. But in my case, I wrote many articles over the years about the euro, real, yuan, US dollar and the “new Asian currency.”

It's a privilege for me, to be quoted and included with such a high-caliber group of experts.

Porter Stansberry quoted me (Brazilian economist Ricardo C. Amaral) on this video. This was the first time that I heard of Porter Stansberry – but it turned out he is a well known figure to the investment community in Wall Street.

In February 2011, two friends of mine mentioned to me that they had seen the enclosed video, and that Bill Gross, Jim Rogers and I were quoted on this video regarding the US dollar. Since December 2010 over 22,000,000 people (22 million people) have seen this video so far on various locations on the web, and I am quoted around the minute 38 to 41 into the video presentation. Here is one location where you can watch the video:

Porter Stansberry Research - The End of America – December 14, 2010


On July 6, 2012 a friend of mine called me to tell me that he had just received a investment newsletter from James Dale Davidson, and he noticed that James Dale Davidson had quoted me on this newsletter regarding the US dollar.

Then I checked the web and I found this video and a copy of the newsletter as follows:

James Dale Davidson on minute 35 min. of this video he mentioned Jim Rogers, Bill Gross, and Brazilian economist and strategist Ricardo C. Amaral regarding the US dollar.

James Dale Davidson -- Fall of Capitalism

James Dale Davidson, the author of "Blood in the Streets" predicted on this video the coming fall of capitalism and US dollar

James Dale Davidson is an American investment writer, co-writer of the newsletter Strategic Investment, and co-author with Lord William Rees-Mogg of “The Sovereign Individual” (1999), “The Great Reckoning” (1991), and “Blood in the Streets” (1987). He also wrote “The Plague of the Black Debt – How to survive the Coming Depression” (1993). He is also the founder and former head of the National Taxpayers Union.

James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg edit "Strategic Investment, " one of the world's more widely circulated private investment letters. Davidson is a venture capitalist and entrepreneur, with investments in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and New Zealand, as well as high-tech projects in North America.

The legendary London Times editor, Lord William Rees-Mogg attended Charterhouse and Balliol College, Oxford and was President of the Oxford Union in 1951. He became a writer for The Financial Times in 1952, and then moved to The Sunday Times in 1960. He was first Deputy Editor and then editor of The Times (from 1967 to 1981). He was vice chairman of the BBC and also a member of the BBC's Board of Governors, and chairman of the Arts Council, with James Dale Davidson, he authored such popular, free-market oriented books as “The Sovereign Individual”, “The Great Reckoning”, and “Blood in the Streets”. He is a director of the Private Bank of London. He is Chairman of The Zurich Club and also of the London publishing firm Pickering & Chatto Publishers.

Here is a copy of James Dale Davidson latest investment newsletter, and I quote from that newsletter as follows:

James Dale Davidson's Bold Predictions
Author : David Schectman
Published: May 16th, 2012

In today's daily, I feature a report by James Dale Davidson and I take his warnings very seriously, and so should you!

...A recent report in The New York Times has announced the birth of an entirely new currency in the U.S. - the BerkShare.

Also, Jim Rogers (one of the world's shrewdest investors) has denounced the dollar too, saying if something isn't done soon to resurrect it, it will "lead to a huge decline in the standard of living of U.S. citizens like nothing we've seen in nearly a century."

And Bill Gross, the world's biggest bond investor, has advised all his clients that if they had just one investment idea, it should be an investment in non-dollar, non-euro currency.

As Brazilian economist and strategist Ricardo C. Amaral recently said: "The U.S. dollar served its purpose since the end of WWII and became the major foreign exchange reserve currency...(but) the days of the U.S. dollar playing that special role...has reached the end of the that system is very sick."


By the way, I read all the books published by authors James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg - when their books were first published.

I enjoyed reading all of their books, but specially one: "The Sovereign Individual”.


I read an excellent new book about Brazil, and I suggest that the people interested in Brazil also should read this book: "Brazil is the New America" - How Brazil Offers Upward Mobility in a Collapsing World" By: James Dale Davidson.

The author not only gives an excellent outlook for the Brazilian economy in the coming years (which is not a surprise to me since I have been documenting a lot of that information on my articles over the years), but at the same time the book gives a lot of detail about the collapsing US economy, and why this current great depression it will be deeper and longer than the Great Depression of the 1930's for the United States.

"Brazil is the New America" - How Brazil Offers Upward Mobility in a Collapsing World"
By: James Dale Davidson


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